Thursday, December 27, 2012

Question the Hype

The media is so tightly controlled, it is suggested that this news pounded into our heads 24 hours a day ought not be accepted as actual occurrence. This news comes most often from the wires of the AP, or Associated Press. As this news hits the papers or cable broadcasts, enough time has elapsed for the AP to twist, doctor, and edit any information in a way that follows their imperative.

The endless news stream is meant to keep us in a constant state of agitation, leaving us susceptible to fear-based reactions.

If we consider the recent FCC distortion court case stating it is absolutely okay and legal to knowingly lie and/or purposefully mislead during a news broadcast, then we conclude the news is an exuberant propaganda machine. Therefore to question the authenticity of its truth seems somewhat obligatory.

When these news outlets retract stories and apologize for deliberate
misrepresentations, only because they get caught, the whole farce is exposed to any observant thinker. The news is not meant to reveal the facts, or any truth for that matter, but about hyping the people into a frenzy of disorder and uncertainty whereby they seek the comforting solace of the rigid control structure.

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